
本文是研究生课程《Data Mining》的大作业,希望通过对熟人社交网络(QQ空间)中的文本和图像进行挖掘,得出在熟人社交网络中,发什么样的内容更容易吸引朋友们的关注(点赞、评论、浏览量)以及通过这些数据进行用户画像的构建。我们对文本内容、文本情绪、图像内容、图像摄影水平、发送时间等数据进行量化,并使用多种机器学习方法进行拟合。经过大量的数据爬取、清洗、分类、挖掘等工作,但受限于理论知识、技术、硬件、时间等原因,最后,我们不得不承认————似乎没啥有用的信息…




Abstract:Wechat moods and QQ zone are different from public online communities like Weibo, Zhihu and Baidu tieba for they are built on the basis of friends, relatives and classmates who are familiar with each other. Therefore, we call this type of community an acquaintance social network , which is opposed to a stranger social network. In the acquaintance social network, expect for online communication, there often exists more direct offline contact, which makes the communication methods of acquaintance social network and the stranger social network different. With the rapid development of the Internet, ordinary users need to establish a good impression in the social network of acquaintances, and send moods to attract the attention of friends. Based on the real data collected in the QQ zone, this paper uses the heat to measure the popularity of each ”mood”, and thus models and analyzes how to produce more popular ”moods” in the acquaintance social network, and proposes a method for constructing user portrait based on text, image and other data published by user in acquaintance social network.

Keywords: acquaintance social network, natural language processing, image processing, user portrait

全文地址:Text and Image Data Mining Based on Acquaintance Social Network








1 条评论

硕士一年级课程设计合集(软件工程) – 小麦冬 · 2019年3月30日 下午1:37

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